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Using the ODK Toolbox

This tutorial will show you how to use the tools that are made available by the ODK Docker images, independently of an ODK-generated repository and of ODK-managed workflows.


You have:

  • Docker installed and running on your machine.

You know:

  • how to use a command line interface (e.g., run commands and navigate through a filesystem from a terminal prompt).

Managing Docker images

Let’s check which Docker images, if any, are available in your Docker installation:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY            TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE

Here, the listing comes up empty, meaning there are no images at all. This is what you would expect if you have just installed Docker and have yet to do anything with it.

Let’s download the main ODK image:

$ docker pull obolibrary/odkfull
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from obolibrary/odkfull
[ Output truncated for brevity ]
Digest: sha256:272d3f788c18bc98647627f9e6ac7311ade22f35f0d4cd48280587c15843beee
Status: Downloaded newer image for obolibrary/odkfull:latest

Let’s see the images list again:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
obolibrary/odkfull   latest    0947360954dc   6 months ago   2.81GB

Docker images can exist in several versions, which are called tags in Docker parlance. In our pull command, since we have not specified any tag, Docker had automatically defaulted to the latest tag, which by convention is the latest ODK release.

To download a specific version, append the tag after the image name (you can check which tags are available on DockerHub). For example, let’s download the 1.3.1 release from June 2022:

$ docker pull obolibrary/odkfull:v1.3.1
v1.3.1: Pulling from obolibrary/odkfull
Digest: sha256:272d3f788c18bc98647627f9e6ac7311ade22f35f0d4cd48280587c15843beee
Status: Downloaded newer image for obolibrary/odkfull:v1.3.1

Again, let’s see the output of docker images:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
obolibrary/odkfull   latest    0947360954dc   6 months ago   2.81GB
obolibrary/odkfull   v1.3.1    0947360954dc   6 months ago   2.81GB

Note how both the latest and the v1.3.1 images have the same ID. This is because, at the time of this writing, the 1.3.1 release is the latest ODK release, so the latest tag actually points to the same image as the v1.3.1 tag. This will change when the ODK v1.3.2 is released: then, using latest (explicitly or by not specifying any tag at all) will point to the new release, while v1.3.1 will forever continue to point to the June 2022 release.

In the rest of this tutorial, we will always use the latest image, and so we will dispense with the explicit tag. But remember that anywhere you see obolibrary/odkfull in one of the commands below, you can always use obolibrary/odkfull:TAG to force Docker to use a specific ODK version.

Starting a container

Now that we have the ODK image available, let’s try to start it. The command for that is docker run, which has the following syntax:


where IMAGE is the name of the image to use (in our case, always obolibrary/odkfull).

With the ODK, you will always need the --rm option. It instructs the Docker engine to automatically remove the container it creates to run a command, once that command terminates. (Not using the --rm option would lead to those “spent” containers to accumulate on your system, ultimately forcing you to manually remove them with the docker container rm command.)

If we don’t specify an explicit command, the simplest command line we can have is thus:

$ docker run --rm obolibrary/odkfull

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  create-dynfile   For testing purposes
  create-makefile  For testing purposes
  dump-schema      Dumps the python schema as json schema.
  export-project   For testing purposes
  seed             Seeds an ontology project

In the absence of an explicit command, the default command is automatically invoked by Docker. Since it has been invoked without any argument, does nothing but printing its “usage” message before terminating. When it terminates, the Docker container terminates as well, and we are back at the terminal prompt.

To invoke one of the tools available in the toolbox (we’ll see what those tools are later in this document), just complete the command line as needed. For example, to test that ROBOT is there (and to see which version we have):

$ docker run --rm obolibrary/odkfull robot --version
ROBOT version 1.9.0

Accessing your files from within the container

Since we have ROBOT, let’s use it. Move to a directory containing some ontology files (here, I’ll use a file from the Drosophila Anatomy Ontology, because if you have to pick an ontology, why not picking an ontology that describes the One True Model Organism?).

$ ls

We want to convert that OBO file to a file in, say, the OWL Functional Syntax. So we call ROBOT with the appropriate command and options:

$ docker run ---rm obolibrary/odkfull robot convert -i fbbt.obo -f ofn -o fbbt.ofn fbbt.obo (No such file or directory)
Use the -vvv option to show the stack trace.
Use the --help option to see usage information.

Huh? Why the “No such file or directory” error? We just checked that fbbt.obo is present in the current directory, why can’t ROBOT find it?

Because Docker containers run isolated from the rest of the system – that’s kind of the entire point of such containers in general! From within a container, programs can, by default, only access files from the image from which the container has been started.

For the ODK Toolbox to be at all useful, we need to explicitly allow the container to access some parts of our machine. This is done with the -v option, as in the following example:

$ docker run --rm -v /home/alice/fbbt:/work […rest of the command omitted for now…]

This -v /home/alice/fbbt:/work has the effect of binding the directory /home/alice/fbbt from our machine to the directory /work inside the container. This means that if a program that runs within the container tries to have a look at the /work directory, what this program will actually see is the contents of the /home/alice/fbbt directory. Figuratively, the -v option opens a window in the container’s wall, allowing to see parts of what’s outside from within the container.

With that window, and assuming our fbbt.obo file is within the /home/alice/fbbt directory, we can try again invoking the conversion command:

$ docker run --rm -v /home/alice/fbbt:/work obolibrary/odkfull robot convert -i /work/fbbt.obo -f ofn -o /work/fbbt.ofn
$ ls

This time, ROBOT was able to find out fbbt.obo file, and to convert it as we asked.

We can slightly simplify the last command line in two ways.

First, instead of explicitly specifying the full pathname to the current directory (/home/alice/fbbt), we can use the shell variable $PWD, which is automatically expanded to that pathname: -v $PWD:/work.

Second, to avoid having to explicitly refer to the /work directory in the command, we can ask the Docker engine to run our command as if the current directory, within the container, was already /work. This is done with the -w /work option.

The command above now becomes:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/work -w /work obolibrary/odkfull robot convert -i fbbt.obo -f ofn -o fbbt.ofn

This is the typical method of invoking a tool from the ODK Toolbox to work on files from the current directory.

In fact, this is exactly how the src/ontology/ wrapper script, that is automatically created in an ODK-generated repository, works. If you work with an ODK-managed ontology, you can invoke an arbitrary ODK tool by using the instead of calling docker run yourself. Assuming for example that you already are in the src/ontology directory of an ODK-managed ontology, you could use:

./ robot convert -i fbbt.obo -f ofn -o fbbt.ofn

If you want to use the ODK toolbox with ontologies that are not managed by the ODK (so, where a script is not readily available), you can set up an independent wrapper script, as explained in the Setting up the ODK tutorial.

Running a shell session within the container

If you have several commands to invoke in a row involving files from the same directory, you do not have to repeatedly invoke docker run once for each command. Instead, you can invoke a shell, from which you will be able to run successively as many commands as you need:

$ docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/work -w /work obolibrary/odkfull bash

The -ti options allow to use your current terminal to control the shell that is started within the container. This is confirmed by the modified prompt that you can see above, which indicates that you are now “in” the container. You can now directly use all the tools that you need:

root@c1c2c80c491b:/work# robot convert -i fbbt.obo -f owx -o fbbt.owl
root@c1c2c80c491b:/work# Konclude consistency -i fbbt.owl
{info} 18:21:14.543 >> Starting Konclude []
{info} 18:21:16.949 >> Ontology ‘out.owl’ is consistent.

When you are done, exit the shell by hitting Ctrl-D or with the exit command. The shell will terminate, and with it, the container will terminate as well, sending you back to your original terminal.

What’s in the toolbox, actually?

Now that you know how to invoke any tool from the ODK Toolbox, here’s a quick overview of which tools are available.

For a definitive list, the authoritative source is the ODK repository, especially the Dockerfile and requirements.txt.full files. And if you miss a tool that you think should be present in the toolbox, don’t hesitate to open a ticket to suggest that the tool be added in a future ODK release!

Programming language and associated tools

  • Java Development Kit, Maven
  • Ammonite (Scala scripting engine)
  • Python3
  • NodeJS

Ontology manipulation tools

Other semantic tools