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Tutorial: How to add custom quality checks with ODK

This tutorial explains adding quality checks not included in the ROBOT Report.


You have completed the tutorials:

  1. Getting started with your repo
  2. 20 minute complete ODK walk-through

Custom Quality Checks

  1. Identify a quality issue in your ontology. For the sake of this tutorial, we've added the annotation dcterms:date to the root_node in the CAT Ontology.

root node with oboInOwl:creation_date annotation string

  1. Write the SPARQL query to detect the error you want to check. For example, check the value type for the annotation dcterms:date. It will return the class with the annotation if it's not of type xsd:dateTime.
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>

    ?cls dcterms:date ?date .
  FILTER(DATATYPE(?date) != xsd:dateTime)
  1. Save the SPARQL query in the src/sparql folder and name it [violation name]-violation.sparql. In the case of the tutorial, date-as-string-violation.sparql

  2. Add the check to the ODK config file. In the previous tutorial, this is located at ~/cato/src/ontology/cato-odk.yaml. Inside robot_report, add custom_sparql_checks

  use_labels: TRUE
  fail_on: ERROR
    - edit
    - date-as-string
  1. Update the repository. After adding the custom SPARQL check, you need to update your pipeline to take this check when testing the ontology.
sh make update_repo
  1. Test the check. You can run the checks and verify the expected result.

sh make sparql_test
FAIL Rule ../sparql/date-as-string-violation.sparql: 1 violation(s)
To fix this issue, we need to change the annotation value to xsd:dateTime, and run the test again to certify everything is good this time.

root node with oboInOwl:creation_date annotation xsd:dateTime

sh make sparql_test
PASS Rule ../sparql/date-as-string-violation.sparql: 0 violation(s)

Push the changes to your repository, and the custom checks will run whenever creating a new Pull Request, as detailed here.

Custom checks available in ODK

There are several checks already available in the ODK. If you'd like to add them, add the validation name in your ODK config file.

  1. owldef-self-reference: verify if the term uses its term as equivalent
  2. redundant-subClassOf: verify if there are redundant subclasses between three classes
  3. taxon-range: verify if the annotations present_in_taxon or never_in_taxon always use classes from NCBITaxon
  4. iri-range: verify if the value for the annotations never_in_taxon, present_in_taxon, foaf:depicted_by, oboInOwl:inSubset and dcterms:contributor are not an IRI
  5. iri-range-advanced: same as iri-range plus check for rdfs:seeAlso annotation
  6. label-with-iri: verify if there is IRI in the label
  7. multiple-replaced_by: verify if an obsolete term has multiple replaced_by terms
  8. term-tracker-uri: verify if the value for the annotation term_tracker_item is not URI
  9. illegal-date: verify if the value for the annotations dcterms:date, dcterms:issued and dcterms:created are of type xds:date and use the pattern YYYY-MM-DD

Custom ROBOT Report in ODK

ROBOT report can also have custom quality checks.

  1. First, you need to add custom_profile: TRUE, in the ODK config file.

  use_labels: TRUE
  fail_on: ERROR
  custom_profile: TRUE
    - edit
    - date-as-string
2. Create a SPARQL query with your quality check and save it at src/sparql. There isn't a restriction on the file name. However, it should return the variables ?entity ?property ?value.

SELECT DISTINCT ?entity ?property ?value 
  1. Add the path to the SPARQL query in the src/ontology/profile.txt file.

ERROR   file:../sparql/<file name>.sparql
For more detail on the profile file, see here.

  1. Test your check. You'll find the failed cases on the same report for the ROBOT report at src/ontology/reports/cato-edit.owl-obo-report.tsv. The Rule Name will be the SPARQL file name.
sh make test

How to choose between Custom SPARQL or Custom ROBOT report

  • If your test can return the exact three variables entity, property and value -> ROBOT report
  • If you need to return more detailed information -> Custom SPARQL
  • If you want the results of your custom tests in the ROBOT report file -> ROBOT report

Keep in mind that after changing the profile.txt, you won't get any upcoming updates, and you need to update manually.